Drug Education Articles

What is Ear Wax (Hashish)?

This is a question that we are hearing more and more frequently in class rooms, "What about Ear Wax?" Ear Wax is basically a form of Hashish which is a concentrated form of THC, Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the main psychoactive compound in the marijuana plant.

Ear Wax is made from the trichomes of the plant which are the little sticky resinous glands or hairs that cover the plant, primarily the buds.

Not a naturally produced substance, there are many different toxic chemicals or gasses such as butane and others used to create this waxy drug. Because of the amount of material and time needed to create ear wax, it is not produced in clandestine or back yard labs like crystal meth, but is produced in sophisticated drug making laboratories.

Who uses Ear Wax?

Like marijuana, hashish has been used by people for hundreds of years for spiritual and religious ceremonies. This new form of hashish was reportedly first created in Canada. Because of the medical marijuana craze it has been gaining in popularity, especially among teens.

What are the short and long term effects of Ear Wax?

The short and long term of effects of smoking Ear Wax is the same as smoking marijuana. Short term effects include slowed thought process, decreased motor function or reaction, increased heart rate, paranoia, anxiety and learning difficulties.

Long term effects include lowered immune system which puts one at a greater risk of catching chest colds or lung problems, developing various forms of cancer such as lung cancer or testicular cancer, reproductive problems such as low sperm count or sterility, social withdrawal and build up of THC in the fatty tissues such as brain tissue where it causes can linger.

Can you overdose on Ear Wax?

Because of the high concentrations of THC in Ear Wax or Hashish there is a potential for overdose, especially among first time users. Although fatal overdose is not that common it can be dangerous and even deadly. Overdose symptoms of hashish or marijuana are usually accompanied by irregular heartbeat, irregular breathing, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. This is, of course, also true of ear wax hashish.

Will Ear Wax show positive on a drug test?

The most common question we hear of any drug is will it show up positive for drug use on a drug test? The answer to this question is, Yes!

If a person is using Ear Wax to get high and they are drug tested, they will show up positive for marijuana or THC use. The main psychoactive drug in Ear Wax or any form of hashish is THC, the same drug that is present in marijuana smoke. Positive for THC is just that, positive for THC.


Each and every person is responsible for making their own decisions when it comes to what they put into their bodies. The only way to make good informed decisions regarding drug use is through good solid Drug Education! Knowledge is Power!